
Donate to assist us to empower women through education

Your donation supports:

  • Scholarships for study and research
  • Advocacy to enable us to speak up for women
  • Special projects to facilitate and sponsor national and local education initiatives


Ways to donate

Ways to donate


Donations by credit card can only be made for the Susan Byrne Memorial Award and are made through Give a Little which is administered by the Spark Foundation.


Support us to do advocacy or fund a scholarship

Support us to do advocacy or fund a scholarship


Name: GWNZ Charitable Trust
Account: 03-0521-0326970-00
Details: Please note ‘donation’ as the reference and add [your name] in the payment particulars

Please fill out your details below and let us know if you’d like your donation to be added to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), or contribute to a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds.


Name: Graduate Women Manawatu Charitable Trust
Account: 02-1231-0017007-00
Details: Please note ‘donation’ as the reference and add [your name] in the payment particulars

Please fill out your details below and let us know if you’d like your donation to be added to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), or contribute to a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds.


Name: Graduate Women Wellington Charitable Trust
Account: 02-0500-0017976-002
Details: Please note ‘donation’ as the reference and add [your name] in the payment particulars

Please fill out your details below and let us know if you’d like your donation to be added to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), or contribute to a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds.


Name: Graduate Women North Shore Charitable Trust
Account: 12-3050-0002948-00
Details: Please note ‘donation’ as the reference and add [your name] in the payment particulars

Donations to the GWNS Charitable Trust will contribute to scholarships and study grants.


Name: Graduate Women Otago Charitable Trust
Account: 02-0912-0224664-00
Details: Please note ‘donation’ as the reference and add [your name] in the payment particulars

Please fill out your details below and let us know if you’d like your donation to be added to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), or contribute to a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds.


A bequest is a gift of cash or assets made through your will. You may choose to leave your gift to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), for a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds – the choice is yours.

A sample clause to add to your will: “I give to Graduate Women NZ Charitable Trust (Charity Registration Number CC10729) [dollar value/ fraction of estate residue] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

If you fill out your details below and submit the form we will be in contact to discuss your wishes and choices.


A bequest is a gift of cash or assets made through your will. You may choose to leave your gift to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), for a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds – the choice is yours.

A sample clause to add to your will: “I give to Graduate Women Manawatu Charitable Trust (Charity Registration Number CC31226) [dollar value/ fraction of estate residue] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

If you fill out your details below and submit the form we will be in contact to discuss your wishes and choices.


A bequest is a gift of cash or assets made through your will. You may choose to leave your gift to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), for a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds – the choice is yours.

A sample clause to add to your will: “I give to Graduate Women Wellington Charitable Trust (Charity Registration Number CC35898) [dollar value/ fraction of estate residue] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

If you fill out your details below and submit the form we will be in contact to discuss your wishes and choices.


A bequest is a gift of cash or assets made through your will. If you are considering gifting funds to the Graduate Women North Shore Charitable Trust, please contact the branch to discuss this.

If you fill out your details below and submit the form we will be in contact to discuss your wishes and choices.


A bequest is a gift of cash or assets made through your will. You may choose to leave your gift to the general fund (allowing Graduate Women to determine the greatest area of need), for a specific advocacy initiative or to one of our scholarship funds – the choice is yours.

A sample clause to add to your will: “I give to Graduate Women Otago Charitable Trust (Charity Registration Number CC32819) [dollar value/ fraction of estate residue] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

If you fill out your details below and submit the form we will be in contact to discuss your wishes and choices.

Your details

First name
Your address
Donation amount
Scholarships e.g. Fellowships, Susan Byrne, Harriette Jenkins, Mildred Keir; Advocacy; Special Project; General fund 

Be a partner

Graduate Women NZ partners with like minded organisations to achieve our purpose – empowering women and girls through education

For second-chance education:

  • New Horizons for Women Trust

For advocacy projects:

  • National Council of Women