Contact us

If you want to talk with us, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact National



GWNZ National Executive
PO Box 2006
Wellington 6140

Send us a message


Contact a branch

  • Ōtākou | Otago

    Postal address:

    Graduate Women Otago
    c/o Mailroom
    University of Otago
    PO Box 56
    Dunedin 9054

  • Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington

    Postal address:

    Graduate Women Wellington
    PO Box 2006
    Wellington 6140

  • Graduate Women Manawatū

    Postal address:

    Graduate Women Manawatū
    PO Box 1713, 
    Palmerston North 4440

  • Te Whenua Roha o Kahu | North Shore

    Postal address:

    Graduate Women North Shore
    PO Box 31261 Milford
    Auckland 0741

Frequently asked questions

What is Graduate Women NZ?

We are not-for-profit organisation that empowers women through education

How does GWNZ achieve its purpose?

We offer scholarships, advocate for women’s rights to education and create opportunities to connect with like-minded people. 

How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved, from attending public events, joining a branch, becoming a donor or a partner.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes. Graduate Women offer international, national and local scholarships.