
01 November 2021 - 12:33pm

Advocacy Activities

I submitted to the productivity commission on the terms of reference for the upcoming inquiry. The terms of reference will be presented to Cabinet in November. Subject to cabinet approval the inquiry will be completed within 12 months of approval and findings and recommendations presented to government.

Productivity commission: a fair chance for all

I submitted to the productivity commission on the terms of reference for the upcoming inquiry. The terms of reference will be presented to Cabinet in November. Subject to cabinet approval the inquiry will be completed within 12 months of approval and findings and recommendations presented to government.

In my submission (which was a brief question and answer type submission) I highlighted the need for access to education in order to allow women and girls the opportunity to increase their wellbeing, be upwardly mobile etc.

If we have the opportunity to input into the wider inquiry the content of that submission and input will be discussed members of GWNZ and everybody will have an opportunity for input.

Mind the Gap

Jo Innes and I attended a meeting with Jo Cribb (private policy consultant ex Ministry for Women CE) and Dellwyn Stuart (YWCA) to discuss the Mind the Gap campaign.

They are proposing introducing legislation to make reporting of ethnic and gender pay gaps mandatory for businesses with more than 50 employees mandatory. Plans to address existing pay gaps will also be required to be shared publicly.

The campaign is advocating for an Aotearoa NZ where everyone is paid fairly for their work, where pay discrimination based on ethnicity, gender or ability no longer exists.

Some key messages include:

● Pay gaps for Māori, for Pacific peoples, for gender, disability communities and other ethnicities persist in Aotearoa NZ.

● In 49 years, the Equal Pay Act has not closed our pay gaps.

● Mandating Pay Gap Reporting is a simple, low cost way to make impactful change happen.

● International evidence shows that reporting works to reduce pay gaps.

● We need organisations to measure/KNOW and publish their pay gaps, so that action can be taken to close the gaps for Māori, for Pacific Peoples, for gender, disability and other ethnicities.

We are supportive of what is proposed and will be adding our logo to the submission in support. We will also remain in touch with them regarding any other ways GWNZ can support this work.


To help grow the Mind the Gap campaign, we would love your support in: 

For more information see the report here.

Powerful alliances building a better future for women across the world

UN Women, Win Win, We Empower Asia, We Empower, International Labour Organisation.

An interactive discussion on how UN Women, ILO and the European Union have advanced gender equality and empowered women in Asia, Europe, G7 and Latin America. This was at 1am our time so I accessed the recording and report.

The event focused on:

· Responsible business conduct that advances gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

· Testimonials from women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses.

· Driving progress on gender equality through gender lens investments.

For more information see the report here.

  • Karen Richardson, Advocacy Executive


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