Our branch was lucky to receive a very generous bequest from Margaret Cameron, an Otago member, which we used to purchase hundreds of books for our nearest men’s and women’s prisons – Otago Corrections Facility and Christchurch Women’s Prison, respectively. In collaboration with Bronwyn at UBS (who not only gave us an invaluable discount, allowing our money to go even further, but also priceless wisdom) and the librarians at each prison, we chose a selection of books that would be of benefit to the recipients. We made sure the donation would be worthwhile, interesting, and helpful to those reading them, and included a mix of fiction and non-fiction. This project was the brainchild of Young Member Co-convener Amy Dowdle. You can check out the ODT’s coverage of our trip to Otago Corrections Facility here.”
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14 March 2019 - 11:44am