
GWNZ Harriette Jenkins Award, 2022-2023

Clare McAloon-Balfour

Clare McAloon-Balfour, PhD in Sciences, University of the Sunshine Coast

My academic studies and an interest in women’s wellbeing and development led me to join GWW. I was surprised to realise the quiet contribution this organisation makes to several important women’s education events and activities, including graduation ceremonies, scholarships and international liaison. My own research has taken a multi-disciplinary route, beginning with a traditional PPE undergraduate degree in the 1970s. Drama school and 2nd wave feminism also featured during this time. I went on to complete the University of Auckland Film Studies course, including involvement with the 1982 TVNZ Women’s Awards programme, before returning to VUW for a Post-Grad Diploma in Librarianship & Information Studies. This launched my career into early ICT development, from the Technology Transfer Centre at DSIR, to database management with Telecom, and Technical Operations with AAP/Reuters in Sydney. With additional PDC learning in satellite communication systems and financial markets, I headed to London to work in strategic and change management consulting during the Thatcher privatisation era. Since returning to New Zealand I have continued my quest for learning and development part-time while working in the banking sector and central and local government. I have completed masters of Public Policy, Applied Finance and Law at VUW, and am currently a PhD Candidate with the School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia.