News and events

25 September 2024 - 7:12pm

Graduate Women Manawatū Research Symposium

This years Research Symposium offered an amazing range of topics.

Art by Catherine Dawson, 2023

Our guest speaker, Professor Tara Brabazon, spoke on Making research matter: Research dissemination in difficult times. Tara, shared her experience as a researcher to explore how scholars disseminate their research and connect their research to a diversity of citizens. Tara offered strategies to action to ensure that research finds meaning, purpose and audiences in these difficult times. Tara is the Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University and lives in Palmerston North. In 2019, she was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for her contribution to higher education.

Sarah Wilson has a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Biochemistry and Genetics and a minor in Psychology. She has Master of Science in Biochemistry and has recently completed her PhD in Biochemistry at Massey University. Sarah's presentation on - Characterising CG5846 (PEEP) in Drosophila melanogaster eyes - is part of her PhD research.  Sarah unpacked a very technical topic for her lay audience and explained how she adopted the fruit fly to explore PEEP and its potential to be a pro-survival factor in cells.

Catherine Dawson is the HOD of Visual Art at Newland’s High School. A self-taught jeweller and painter with a degree in Textile Design from Massey University, Catherine is currently studying her Masters at Toioho ki Āpiti, the Māori Visual Arts programme at Massey University. Catherine's research - The hidden place of our ancestors:Te wāhi huna o ngā Tipuna - explores contemporary painting practice honouring ancestral connection and identity. The image for this news article is her art on display.

Paula Richardson by day is the Academic Portfolio Manager for ICT at UCOL, Palmerston North. In her spare time she found time to research what women in Wellington did for recreation in the early 1900s. They enjoyed spending time friends and observing parliament in session.

Thank you to all our presenters. We've had number of enquiries for when we will next offer the Symposium. Probably early 2025. If you are interested please email