A brief report on what your financial support has helped me achieve last year
Since 2022, my achievements include:
1. I have successfully completed 300 supervised counselling hours and upgraded to full membership with NZAC- New Zealand Association of Counselors. I have since put it to non-practicing status to focus on completing my PhD.
2. I have achieved Exceeding on my performance review at my part-time work as a Senior Lecturer and Learning Advisor at Unitec and it has been three years consecutive exceeding review. I am continuously supported and mentored by another woman-my team leader/manager, to support and nurture the team of seven women to stay research-active to inform the team's practice as learning advisors at the tertiary institute. At the same time, I continue to coordinate the 5-minute-research-talk at the learning advisors team huis inviting other researchers (existing or upcoming PhD students or postdocs and other research center managers-mostly women) to share their research and inspire my colleagues to step up to take up their PhD studies (one colleague has got her proposal approved and ethics approval as well, two others are considering to apply to start their PhDs). My colleagues' success is rewarding to me as I continue progressing on my PhD journey.
3. I have presented my research progress at my GWNZ branch Northshore Branch in April, 2023. It was well received and audience were engaging. Their questions led me and them to a deep muse of women's status in his-story. And the deep revelation of my felt-call to work in the field of bettering the life of women and children following the completion of my PhD.
4. I have begun writing poems again and have them published on Live Encounter-an online magazine to put my inner exploration of women's life out there to the wider audience. I can include those poems from the magazine in my application for scholarship this year.
5. I continue working and walking to keep me fit. A walking friend has sponsored me to go to Tasmania for a walking holiday in March. We visited and walked at 14 National Parks in Tasmania. At home, I continue walking with my female friends and colleagues to stay well and fit which enables me to continue working to support my independent living and studying.
6. I have done a two-year Te Reo Maori course for staff at Unitec, and in March, 2023, I was admitted to continue online course in Te Reo Maori level 3&4 with the Wānanga of Aotearoa. I am enjoying learning Te Reo and hope to be able to speak Te Reo fluently at my graduation for PhD.
7. I continue my voluntary work as a local ambassador for Dress for Success Auckland and a member of the circle of sisters (trustee board) for Te Wahi Ora Women's Retreat - a place for women to belong to while moving into wholeness in Piha.
I have sent my application in for this year's fellowship. I hope to have your support this year to continue towards completing my PhD while continuing living independently in my own house.