
GWNZ Fellowship, 2020 - 2021

Joanna (Jo) Wailling

Joanna (Jo) Wailling PhD; VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Thank you so much for your generous support for my fees, which represents a lot amount of money for our family.  More importantly, I am really excited to have Graduate Women NZ sponsoring my research as mesh is predominately a women's issue.  I am hopeful my work will assist in highlighting systemic factors that inhibit women's voice in healthcare systems and bring about meaningful change.  Please pass on my thanks to the committee.

I am a registered nurse and have worked in international health settings for twenty years. My roles have included clinical practice, professional leadership and working with government agencies in NZ and abroad. My research examines the interface between policy, regulation, culture and healthcare safety systems. Everyday work involves collaborating with the healthcare sector, providing independent third-party mediation, consultancy, intellectual capital and promoting restorative practices.

My PhD aims to critically examine the Ministry of Health project ‘a restorative approach to harm from surgical mesh’: I lead the project codesign, research and evaluation. Critical examination of the innovation is essential, being the first to apply restorative inquiry on a national scale in the healthcare context.

My ambition is to influence policy and structural change in New Zealand, resulting in a more restorative healthcare system. Restorative approaches are participatory, aiming to meet the needs of all those affected by harm and restore wellbeing, relationships and trust. Approaches are particularly well suited to the Aotearoa context, resonating with Tikanga Māori. Every perspective deserves to be heard, genuine partnerships are crucial and safe health care is viewed as the product of people, communities and their relationships to one another and to the whole.