
GWNZ Fellowship, 2023 - 2024

Mary Buchanan

Mary Buchanan, PhD in Sciences - Chldhood adversity, University of Otago

Kia ora. I am a final year PhD student at the University of Otago, Wellington. My research seeks to identify protective factors following exposure to childhood adversity. Over half the population have experienced childhood adversity. Seeking targets to increase resiliency following adversity in childhood is important for reducing the disparities in opportunities prevalent in New Zealand.
I am excited to see my research already influencing policy makers ideas about improving the mental health and socioeconomic outcomes for disadvantaged tamariki and rangatahi. In particular, policy makers at Oranga Tamariki expressed that my research emphasised the importance of education for children who have experienced adversity.
I have also presented this research on two occasions to mental health professionals, who are often faced with patients still carrying the burden of their adversity. Particular interest was expressed in our finding that social support not only improved mental health outcomes, but also that it reduces the impact that one's adversity in childhood has on one's adulthood mental health.


Read Mary's Progress Report