Once again, this year it is being held face-to face but it is possible to attend online as well. (Unfortunately, the time difference is not great but it is worth attending wherever possible.) I recommend registration for the To find out more about the Forum and to register for the virtual conference go to: https://ngocsw.org/ngocsw67/. Here is the link to the GWI CSW67 written statement https://graduatewomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GWI-CSW67-written-statement-FINAL-v1_promising-possibilities-yet-tech-innovation-challenges-for-women-and-girls-education.pdf .
GWI is hosting two parallel events but the date and time are not yet confirmed as well as a pre-CSW67 briefing in February. Please let Stacy Dry Lara, Executive Director know if you plan to attend. sdl@graduatewomen.org
For further information contact Rae Duff, Advocacy Lead, GWNZ advocacy@gwnz.org.nz