News and events

17 September 2023 - 3:14pm

GWNZ Newsletter: May 2023

Tena koe e hoa

Welcome to the Graduate Women New Zealand newsletter for May 2023.

CLICK HERE to see the May 2023 newsletter

As we approach the month of May,  I would like to take this opportunity to highlight our connection to Graduate Women International (GWI) and emphasize the importance of being part of this worldwide community in promoting women's education and rights, not just in New Zealand but across the globe.

GWI is a global network of women dedicated to promoting women's education and rights. It provides a platform for women to connect, share resources, and support each other in achieving their goals. As members of GWNZ, we are part of this larger movement, and it is crucial that we remain engaged with our international counterparts.

Our organisation has been working closely with GWI to promote our mission of empowering women through education, advocacy, and research. Through our partnership, we have been able to expand our network, connect with like-minded organisations, and collaborate on important initiatives.

It is essential to recognise that our work cannot be done alone. We must collaborate, share resources, and support one another to create real change. As a member of GWNZ, you have the opportunity to be part of this global movement and make a real difference in the lives of women.

I encourage you to share this newsletter with your friends, colleagues, and family members and invite them to join our community. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a retiree, you can be a member of this organisation. We have branches throughout New Zealand where you can attend meetings face-to-face or join our independent network, which promotes connection online.

Lastly, did you know that over a million dollars have been awarded to support women in their studies and career changes by GWNZ? Today marks the day when several of our scholarships open. To learn more, please go to the GWNZ website.

GWNZ is here to support you, and we are committed to creating a better future for all women through education. Together, we can make a difference.

Nga mihi nui,
Sally Dunbar,
President, Graduate Women New Zealand

CLICK HERE to see the May 2023 newsletter