News and events

18 June 2024 - 10:36pm

Graduate Women Manawatū Research Symposium and AGM, 2024

10.00 am

14 September 2024

No charge

UCOL/Te Pukenga Workhub Building on King Street, Palmerston North

Starting at 10am with coffee and finger food, we'll celebrate women's research  by hearing from a range of speakers. Members and post graduate students are invited to present their research. If you would like to share your research - completed or in progress - please contact Paula Richardson  <>

Our guest speaker, Professor Tara Brabazon will share her research. 

Title: Making research matter: Research dissemination in difficult times


Let’s summon a diagnostic of our time.  The publishing house Informa sells research articles to Microsoft, to enhance Generative AI outputs, without compensating academics for their work.  Outrageous Author Processing Fees are paid.  Academic underemployment is transforming into academic unemployment.  Scopus-generated metrics – while validated by empowered institutions - exclude a sizeable chunk of humanities and social science research.

In such times, how do we, as scholars, disseminate research with authenticity, rigour and transparency?  How do we connect our research to a diversity of citizens? My session offers strategies to action – today – to ensure that our research finds meaning, purpose and audiences in these difficult times.  

Tara Brabazon is the Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University.  Her previous roles have included Dean, Head of School and Head of Department.  She has published 20 books, 8 audiobooks, and over 350 refereed articles and book chapters.  She is a writer for the Times Higher Education and creates podcasts and weekly vlogs.  Tara has won six teaching awards, having worked in ten universities in four countries.  In 2019, she was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for her contribution to higher education.


The event is free and you're welcome to bring a friend, or pass on this invite to someone you think might be interested.  Please RSVP to this email address:

Feel free to park in the UCOL carparks. These are free of charge on the weekends.