
01 July 2024 - 4:50pm

Supporting the call for a stronger response to stalking in Aotearoa

Graduate Women New Zealand (GWNZ) have supported the call of the Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children and Anti-Violence Action to make stalking illegal in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The GWNZ recently expressed our support for the petition launched by the Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children, and Anti-Violence Action, seeking to make the act of stalking illegal in Aotearoa New Zealand. The principle behind this action recognises the harm and fear that stalking brings into the life of (predominantly) women.

As ActionStation have noted alongside the petition, "the focus on punitive measures in our justice system routinely causes harm, especially to Māori and Pacific whānau. However, we understand that people are experiencing violence in the here and now and need specific protections".

The petition additionally identifies support and training measures that will reduce the prevalence of this form of violence in our society. 

In addition to the public petition, an open letter directed to the Minister of Justice was published on 20 May 2024, signed by 52 organisations and numerous prominent individuals. On 22 May 2024, Labour MP Ginny Anderson entered a Member's Bill into the ballot seeking to make stalking illegal. The Bill further highlights the importance of this campaign, noting "Stalking enables family and gender-based violence,  erodes the stalked person's freedoms, limits their social contracts, educational and employment prospects, restricts involvement in public life and causes psychological harm". 

In June 2024, the Minister of Justice Paul Goldsmith received the petition, signed by over 20,000 people, and committed to introducing a Bill to address stalking by the end of this year. 

Please see a message below from the Coalition, and visit the petition to read the full text. The petition is still accepting signatures.

"We support all women in Aotearoa New Zealand - including politicians - being able to live their lives confidently, free from the fear of stalking. 18 violence-prevention groups in the Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children have launched a petition to make stalking illegal. Making stalking a crime in New Zealand - as it already is in the EU, UK, US and Australia - will act as a deterrent, and will ensure police get better training to offer better protection. Read more and sign to support peace of mind for all families and whānau in Aotearoa". 

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