News and events

07 October 2020 - 6:09pm

The Psychology of Security: GWNS Awardee Dr Veronica Hopner

At the November meeting, Dr Hopner spoke about the focus of her work and teaching: a better understanding of human beings and security

In her address to members, Veronica outlined five areas of her research:
New Zealand Defence Force Project
Countering Violent Extremism: Community Engagement Forum
Trans-Tasman Deportations
Breaking the cycle of Grief and Trauma
The Psycurity Research Group which was formed to examine the sense of security and responses that individuals, groups and societies make in contemporary 21st security environment.

Veronica and her colleagues in the Group broadly conceptualise security to encompass many dimensions involving personal, economic, environmental health, food, cyber, community, national, political and global security.
To enable them to gauge the types of security most appropriate for different countries, cities, communities and individuals they use a Security Staircase Scale developed by Project S.A.F.E.
Veronica explained that this was a measure constructed from the UN categories of security, personal through to political, with the addition of cyber and national security.

Photo: GWNS member Francis Bell with Dr Veronica Hopner